Orders Summary


Orders Summary report is used by Cashier to view details related to orders, sales, income and returns within a specified business date.


  • Business Date: The business date for of the details to be viewed.


  • Print: To print the report using Cashier printer.

  • View: To directly view the report in Cashier without printing.


Sections Columns

Name: The name of the attribute.

Quantity: The count of the attribute.

Price: The amount of the attribute.

General Section


Consist of general information related to totals and averages.


  • Total Sales: The total amount and count of sales.

  • Delivery Price: The total amount and count of delivery prices gained.

  • Service Fees: Total amount and count gained out additional services.

  • Total Taxes: Total amount of taxes were applied.

  • Rounding: Total amount of rounding has been applied.

  • Total Void: Total amount and count of voided products.

  • Ahead Orders: Total amount and count of ahead orders.

  • Guest Count: Number of persons were served so far.

  • Average Per Order: The average amount of sales per order which can be counted as follows:

    • Average Per Order = Price of Total Sales / Quantity of Total Sales.

  • Average Per Person: The average amount of sales per person which can be counted as follows:

    • Average Per Person = Price of Total Sales / Guest Count.

Other Sections

  • Order Types: Contains all orders types with their sales quantities and prices.

  • Orders Discounts: Contains all discounts applied on orders including Open & Loyalty along with their quantities and amounts.

  • Products Discounts: Contains all discounts applied on products including Open & Loyalty along with their quantities and amounts.

  • Payments: Contains all payments, income and returning details.

Last updated