Products Tags


Product Tags are used when we have products that share similar features need to be grouped together, they allow you to duplicate products inside of different tags as opposed to categories. Product Tags can show on Applications and call center.

In order to create a product tag, navigate to Settings --> Tags --> Products Tags --> Add New and fill out the following information:

Basic Data

  • Name (English): The Tag name in English.

  • Name (Arabic): The Tag name in Arabic.

  • Tag icon: The Tag icon is the visual representation of the tag which will be displayed on Foodics applications, you can select between several presets or upload your own.

After you finish click the Save button in order to submit your changes, now you can view all your tags under the Product Tags section.

Product Assignment

In order to assign a tag to an existing product, navigate to Menu --> Products --> Products Name, then click the 3 Dots corresponding to the product name under Basic Data, locate Tags field then click the empty box you will get a list of all product tags in which you have created, choose the tag you desire then click Save. You can also follow these steps while creating a new product.

Activation in Call Center, Cashier and Waiter

Tags must be assigned to at least one active product in order for it to show on Applications and Call Center. Its activation might also be toggeled the same as categories and products from the activation section.

Sorting Tags

Active tags that are assigned to products will show on the Applications and Call Center before categories, you can arrange their appearance by navigating to Menu --> Display --> Tags then drag and drop tags using the arrows on the left corner of their names. For detailed information about the Display section click here

Last updated