
Open till

  • Amount: The starting cash in register after employee clock in.

  • Drawer: Cash drawer opens automatically when opening till.

Close till

  • Amount: Entering the closing cash in register for all currencies.

  • Drawer: Cash drawer opens automatically when closing till.

Till Operations

If you need to add or remove cash from the drawer without completing any transaction you can:

  • Pay in: Is used when you deposit money into the business for a reason other than sales during a shift.

  • Pay out: Is used when you take money out of the cash drawer to pay someone or use it to buy something from a vendor during a shift.

  • Cash drop: Is used to remove money from the drawer when the drawer is getting heavy, the removed money can be saved in another safe.

Till close report

  • Estimated cash in register: Opening Amount + Sum of Cash payment method - Total cash Return

  • Entered cash in register: The amoun entered when closing the till.

  • Shortage/surplus: Estimated Cash In Register - Closing Amount (if this amount is negative, Cash Surplus is printed otherwise cash shortage is printed)

Till status in cashier

Shows if till is closed or open, if open, opening amount will be shown.

Last updated