

ShopX is a loyalty platform that customers can use to earn and redeem points. Vendors use the platform to track registered customers, their earnings and redemption history and their current point balance. For more details, please visit ShopX website at

Connection with Foodics

To connect ShopX with Foodics, you will need an API Key from ShopX, please contact ShopX to obtain the API Key. Once you obtain the key, apply the following steps to enable ShopX integration:

  • Go to Settings -> Integrations -> Loyalty -> ShopX and click Enable.

  • Enter ShopX API Key in API Key field.

  • Click Save Settings.

Enabling ShopX in cashier

From cashier settings, go to Manage Integrations and tun on Enable ShopX. Ensure you are running cashier version 2.7.30 (230) or later. The redeem button will appear in order options menu for active orders. Note that a customer must be assigned to the order in order to redeem rewards and internet connection must be active

Reward redemption process

  • In Foodics cashier:

    • In cash register go to Options -> Redeem Points.

    • Enter the code generated in the customer app then tap Validate.

    • The reward name and description will be displayed. Confirm this info with the customer.

    • Tap Redeem and the reward will be applied to the current order and the points will be deducted from the customer's balance.

Note that the customer should generate a new code in case an error appears in the process.

Last updated