
Tags are a way of grouping items that share similar characteristics.

In order to create a tag navigate to Settings --> Tags you will find a list of the entities in which you can create tags for, select the one you want then, click Add New then, enter the tag`s name finally, click Save.


Tags can be created for several entities such as (Products, Inventory Items, Customers, Branches and orders).

  • Inventory Items Tags: This tag can be used to group items that are used to produce a certain product, or items that are purchased regularly. It also can be used with Transactions.

  • Customer Tags: This tag can be used to group regular customers, or customers that belong to a specific organization.

  • Branches Tags: This tag can be used to group branches within a certain area. It can be used in Report Generation.

  • Order Tags: Are used to filter orders based on a certain parameter defined by the tag such as orders that costs more than a certain amount, it can be assigned through the Cashier .. Also, it can be used in Report Generation .

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