Products Mix

Products Mix


Shows sales categorized by products and modifiers, as well as Waste and Non-Waste returns.


  • Date: The date to be covered in the report. Only single days can be selected.


  • Name: Product\Modifier names.

  • Quantity: The number of products sold.

  • Price: The accumulative sales amount of sold items. Sales is calculated from the prices entered in the Dashboard. Sales is calculated before applying taxes, all types of discounts, timed events and coupons.

Orders Summary


Orders Summary report is used by Cashier to view details related to orders, sales, income and returns within a specified business date.


  • Business Date: The business date for of the details to be viewed.


  • Print: To print the report using Cashier printer.

  • View: To directly view the report in Cashier without printing.


Sections Columns

  • Name: The name of the attribute.

  • Quantity: The count of the attribute.

  • Price: The amount of the attribute.

General Section


Consist of general information related to totals and averages.


  • Total Sales: The total amount and count of sales.

  • Delivery Price: The total amount and count of delivery prices gained.

  • Service Fees: Total amount and count gained out of additional services.

  • Total Taxes: Total amount of taxes were applied.

  • Rounding: Total amount of rounding has been applied.

  • Total Void: Total amount and count of voided products.

  • Ahead Orders: Total amount and count of ahead orders.

  • Guest Count: Number of persons were served so far.

  • Average Per Order: The average amount of sales per order which can be counted as follows:

      Average Per Order = Price of Total Sales / Quantity of Total Sales
  • Average Per Person: The average amount of sales per person which can be counted as follows:

      Average Per Person = Price of Total Sales / Guest Count

Other Sections

  • Order Types: Contains all orders types with their sales quantities and prices.

  • Orders Discounts: Contains all discounts applied on orders including Open & Loyalty along with their quantities and amounts.

  • Products Discounts: Contains all discounts applied on products including Open & Loyalty along with their quantities and amounts.

  • Payments: Contains all payments, income and returning details.

Till Summary

Till Summary report is used by Cashier to view details related to tills' timings and totals amounts within a specified business date.


  • Business Date: The business date for of the details to be viewed.


  • Print: To print the report using Cashier printer.

  • View: To directly view the report in Cashier without printing.


  • Employee: The name of the employee.

  • Opened At: The exact date and time of opening the till.

  • Closed At: The exact date and time of closing the till.



  • Cash: The total amount of cash payments.

  • E.G. Visa: Additional payment methods may appear here with their total amounts depending on the payment methods created at Dashboard.

  • Total Income: Total income gained, which is equal to the sum of all payments.

  • Total Return: Total amount of returning.

  • Net Income: Total amount of income gained minus the total amount of return defined as:

      Net Income = Total Income - Total Return

Till Operations

  • Total Pay In: Total amount of pay-in operations.

  • Total Pay Out: Total amount of pay-out operations.

  • Total Cash Drop: Total amount of cash-drop operations.


  • Total Sales: Total amount of sales has been issued for the till.

  • Discount: Total amount of discounts has been applied.

  • Delivery Price: The total amount of delivery prices gained.

  • Service Fees: Total amount gained out of additional services.

  • Taxes: Total amount of taxes were applied.

  • Rounding: Total amount of rounding has been applied.

  • Opening Amount: The initial value entered by the cashier for opening the till. This value should be exactly the same amount of money found in the Cashier Drawer at the time of opening the till.

  • Closing Amount: The value entered by the cashier user for closing the till. This value should be exactly the same amount of money found in the Cashier Drawer at the time of closing the till.

  • Estimated Cash In Register: This represents the Cashier device estimation for the value that should be in Cashier Drawer at the time of closing the till.

  • Cash Shortage: Is the amount of variation between the closing amount and estimated cash in register. This value is represented as:

      Cash Shortage = Closing Amount - Estimated Cash In Register

Last updated