Items Activation


Activation is for activating and deactivating certain categories, products, product sizes, modifiers and tags in a branch, application, call center or a third-party application.

You will find this page under Menu --> Activation. There are several activation techniqes explained below:

Global Checkbox

On the left side of the screen you will find a list of all the items that you can toggle its activation on and off. Lets take categories as an example, once you click it you will get a list of all categories with check boxes on its left, these boxes are called Global Check boxes unchecking them will deactivate the category everywhere.

Custom Activation

If further customization is required, click the Advanced button you will get 3 main options:

  • Global: Toggles activation everywhere.

  • Branch: Toggles activation in certain branches. You can select global to activate in all branches.

  • Call Center: Toggles activation in different branch call centers. You can select global to activate in all branch call centers.

  • Third Party Apps: Toggles activation between third party apps and branches. You can select global to activate in all branch third party apps.

Last updated