
Currencies are where you can Add/Delete different currencies.

Base Currency

Base currency is used to determine the Conversion Rate for other currencies. By default you will have Saudi Riyal as your base currency,

Adding an extra currency

To add another currency, you have to open the Cashier App and navigate to Settings --> More --> Manage Currencies then, locate the Plus sign on the top right corner. You will get a list of all supported currencies, click the one you would like to add, you will get a pop up asking you to enter the Conversion Rate based on your Base Currency. Finally click Save to submit your changes.

Payment process

For you to pay an order you have to click on the order's Total price at the bottom left corner, you will get a new window in which you have all of your added currencies on the left side of the screen. Select the one in which the purchase is done with then, select the payment method and enter the paid amount after that, click the green Pay button.

Same process will work for Pay Without close method but instead of clicking the Pay button click the 3 Dots on the bottom right corner and select Pay Without Close.

Change/Return from the base currency only

All Returns/Change will be done strictly from the base currency only.

Closing Tills with multiple currencies

If you have additional currencies added other than the base one you will be asked to enter the amount of each currency when closing the till.

Last updated