

Categories are the top level in the menu hierarchy, they may contain products and their assigned modifiers if any, Categories with 0 Assigned or 0 Active products will not show on Applications or Call Center.

In order to create a new category, you have to navigate to Menu --> Categories --> Add New and fill out the following information:

Basic Data

  • Name (English): The category name in English.

  • Name (Arabic): The category name in Arabic.

  • SKU: The Stock Keeping Unit for the Category which works as a unique identifier for this particular category.

  • Parent Category: The main category that will house other categories.

  • Timed Events: Assign a previously created Timed Event to this category.

  • Category icon: The category icon is the visual representation of the category which will be displayed on Foodics applications, you can select between several presets or upload your own.

After choosing an icon, click the save button in order to submit your changes.

Parent and Subcategories

A product can be assigned to one and only one category, but a category can have multiple Subcategories with products inside of them. For example a category named Drinks can be a parent category to Hot Drinks & Cold Drinks sub categories, and each sub category may contain its corresponding products.

now you can view your created categories by clicking the categories tab under the menu section you will get a list of category names, SKUs and products assigned to these categories.

You can now either Edit or Delete these categories by clicking the 3 Dots corresponding to the category, in which you would like to change. If the Products is clicked in the categories view a list of all the products assigned to this category will show on the screen.

Activation in Call Center, Cashier and Waiter

Categories with 0 assigned or 0 active products will not show on applications or Call Center. Check the Activation section for information about how to customize your activation between call center and apps and between different branches.

Importing Categories

A faster way for creating/editing categories will be through using the Import button next to the Add New under Menu --> Categories --> Import. If you would like to add new categories click the Download Template button under the Import New Data section, what this will do is it will download an Excel File with 3 columns, SKU and Names both in Arabic and English, you have to fill out all 3 fields for all categories once you are done, click save and close. Then go back to the Import Button and under the Import New Data section click Select File and select the Excel File from your computer.

After That, check your email for importing status whether it's a success or a failure, in case of failure you will get an error message describing the error in details in which you have to go back to the excel template and correct the errors then repeat the importing process.

In case of bulk edits navigate to Menu --> Categories --> Import under the Edit Existing Data section click Download Template. What this will do is it will download an Excel File that contains all of your added categories it will contain 4 columns Hid, SKU and Names both in Arabic and English, after you finish your edits click save and close. Then go back to the Import button under the Edit Existing Data Section then click Select File and select the Excel File from your computer.

After that check your email for importing status whether it's a success or a failure, in case of failure you will get an error message describing the error in detail in which you have to go back to the excel template and correct the errors then repeat the importing process.

Last updated